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How to Approach Sustainability Opportunities With Non-Governmental Organizations (7.25.2023)

Join the National Elder Abuse Multidisciplinary Team Training and Technical Assistance Center at this webinar to learn about funding considerations for your E-MDT work. Sustaining your work beyond your current grant can seem daunting, with many factors to consider. It is helpful to look at funding trends both in the philanthropic world as well as governmental funding streams. This month, we will focus on non-governmental funding, understanding the parameters for seeking funding, the importance of pre-planning in the application process, and tips for telling your story and building your narrative to assist you in a successful application. Join Holly Furr, Executive Director of United Way of Lancaster County, S.C. and Donna Ortega of Nettlesome Problem Solver. 

Presented by: Donna V.S. Ortega, Nettlesome Problem Solver, and Holly Furr, United Way of Lancaster County, S.C.

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