Finding Cases (6.17.21)

Finding Cases (6.17.21)

This webinar conversation discusses obstacles to case finding, their causes, and suggested approaches to overcome them, focusing on review criteria, procedures to locate cases and membership issues. Presented by: Candace Heisler, JD, Consultant  See the slides ›

Engaging the Community (6.3.21)

Engaging the Community (6.3.21)

This webinar covers insights and strategies for community outreach and engagement, as well as new member recruitment and engagement. Presented by: Ayana Mortley, Workshop Training Coordinator at the NYC Elder Abuse Center; Maggie Morgan, E-MDT Coordinator at the Lifespan of…

The Role of Specialists on E-MDTs (1.26.21)

The Role of Specialists on E-MDTs (1.26.21)

This webinar features a panel including an attorney, a geriatrician, and a geriatric psychiatrist who share their thoughts on their roles on E-MDTs and how best to leverage their fields on teams. Presented by: Dr. Veronica M. LaFaso from Weill…