Case Issues for E-MDTs (4.12.22)

Case Issues for E-MDTs (4.12.22)

This webinar covers the impact of case issues on Enhanced Elder Abuse Multidisciplinary Teams. Information is shared on the methods and resources to solicit new cases for team review and strategies for creating a team-specific case criterion, establishing a case…

New Scams (2.18.22)

New Scams (2.18.22)

This session covers the impact of new scams on elderly populations. Coverage at this session includes key concepts around financial scams and investigates emerging trends in financial scams and techniques. Additionally, participants explore strategies for responding to emerging trends in…

Vulnerable Elder Protection Team (9.15.21)

Vulnerable Elder Protection Team (9.15.21)

This webinar covers protocols utilized by the Weill Cornell Medicine Vulnerable Elder Protection Team to address elder abuse, including how an elder abuse program may be helpful in an ED in E-MDT communities, providing insight into how this hospital model…

Finding Cases (6.17.21)

Finding Cases (6.17.21)

This webinar conversation discusses obstacles to case finding, their causes, and suggested approaches to overcome them, focusing on review criteria, procedures to locate cases and membership issues. Presented by: Candace Heisler, JD, Consultant  See the slides ›