Best Practices for Evaluating E-MDTs (1.26.23)

Best Practices for Evaluating E-MDTs (1.26.23)

Funders are often interested in how effective your program has been in meeting its goals and diminishing risk for older adults. This webinar covers techniques and processes to capture service plan outcomes (successes and failures), understand the impact of case…

Prosecutors as E-MDT Team Members (12.16.22)

Prosecutors as E-MDT Team Members (12.16.22)

Through an interactive case scenario, discussion takes place on the unique role prosecutors can play in forging connections with law enforcement and allied partners on an E-MDT. Information is shared on how to recognize the components of an unrelated case…

The Role of the Prosecutor in E-MDTs (10.27.21)

The Role of the Prosecutor in E-MDTs (10.27.21)

This session covers prosecutors’ roles in elder abuse investigations, in the court system, and on E-MDTs. Coverage includes strategies for better engaging and utilizing prosecutors on E-MDTs and emerging restorative practice approaches in prosecution. Presented by: Tara Patet, JD, senior…