Prosecutors as E-MDT Team Members (12.16.22)

Prosecutors as E-MDT Team Members (12.16.22)

Through an interactive case scenario, discussion takes place on the unique role prosecutors can play in forging connections with law enforcement and allied partners on an E-MDT. Information is shared on how to recognize the components of an unrelated case…

The Role of the Prosecutor in E-MDTs (10.27.21)

The Role of the Prosecutor in E-MDTs (10.27.21)

This session covers prosecutors’ roles in elder abuse investigations, in the court system, and on E-MDTs. Coverage includes strategies for better engaging and utilizing prosecutors on E-MDTs and emerging restorative practice approaches in prosecution. Presented by: Tara Patet, JD, senior…

The Role of Civil Attorneys within E-MDTs (8.12.21)

The Role of Civil Attorneys within E-MDTs (8.12.21)

This webinar covers different types of civil attorneys, how their expertise differs from other legal professionals, and what civil legal expertise can add to E-MDT discussions and elder abuse responses. Presented by: Deena Schwartz, Elder Abuse Enhanced Multidisciplinary Team (EMDT)…

Institutionalizing Multi-Disciplinary Teams (8.11.21)

Institutionalizing Multi-Disciplinary Teams (8.11.21)

This webinar conversation discusses strategies to sustain E-MDTs, obstacles E-MDTs may face when institutionalizing your team, and suggested approaches to overcome them. The discussion focuses on available funding, developing a structure that will assist with receiving funding, and the critical…

The Role of Specialists on E-MDTs (1.26.21)

The Role of Specialists on E-MDTs (1.26.21)

This webinar features a panel including an attorney, a geriatrician, and a geriatric psychiatrist who share their thoughts on their roles on E-MDTs and how best to leverage their fields on teams. Presented by: Dr. Veronica M. LaFaso from Weill…