New Scams (2.18.22)

New Scams (2.18.22)

This session covers the impact of new scams on elderly populations. Coverage at this session includes key concepts around financial scams and investigates emerging trends in financial scams and techniques. Additionally, participants explore strategies for responding to emerging trends in…

Jurisdiction for E-MDTs (11.27.21)

Jurisdiction for E-MDTs (11.27.21)

This session covers the impact of jurisdictional concerns on elder abuse investigations in the court system and on E-MDTs. Attendees will learn tactics to identify various forms of jurisdictional overlaps and transitions that E-MDT coordinators could encounter as part of…

Institutionalizing Multi-Disciplinary Teams (8.11.21)

Institutionalizing Multi-Disciplinary Teams (8.11.21)

This webinar conversation discusses strategies to sustain E-MDTs, obstacles E-MDTs may face when institutionalizing your team, and suggested approaches to overcome them. The discussion focuses on available funding, developing a structure that will assist with receiving funding, and the critical…

Engaging the Community (6.3.21)

Engaging the Community (6.3.21)

This webinar covers insights and strategies for community outreach and engagement, as well as new member recruitment and engagement. Presented by: Ayana Mortley, Workshop Training Coordinator at the NYC Elder Abuse Center; Maggie Morgan, E-MDT Coordinator at the Lifespan of…