Resource Highlight: Collaborating for Justice for Older African Americans

Resource Highlight: Collaborating for Justice for Older African Americans

Kristin Burki is the Director of theNational Clearinghouse on Abuse inLater Life, a project of End DomesticAbuse Wisconsin. This role builds uponKristin’s 20-year social work career atthe direct practice, organizationalleadership, and systems levels focusedon effective responses to abuse acrossthe lifespan. These experiences haveresulted in…

Resource Highlight: Community Engagement Issues

Resource Highlight: Community Engagement Issues

Our theme this month is “Community Engagement.” An E-MDT’s success and health is so much a function of it being n integral part of the community and for the community to be an integral part of the E-MDT. The Team needs to reflect the community it serves, regarding the social categories of race, gender, orientation, culture, language, socioeconomic issues, geographical, and abilities.